Wednesday, February 4, 2009


For some metal fans, especially those supposedly of the "True Black" persuasion, Cradle of Filth inspires feelings akin to those felt when nails are raked across a chalkboard. If you happen to be one of those individuals, Saturday night's performance at the Edmonton Event Centre was not for you, and you probably should stop reading right now.

Those of you that are still here, good on you because Saturday nights performance by all three bands was incredible not just Cradle of Filth. With openers Septic Flesh and Satyricon, the crowd was frothing over with fury by the time Dani Filth and the rest of those whom rock Filth's Cradle took the stage.

Although never intended as a promotional tour for CoF's new concept album Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder, the show did feature some of the new songs like "Shat out of Hell", "Honey and Sulphur", and "13th Caesar". Fan favourite "Nymphetamine" also made the set list that night, the shorter "Fix" version though, not the nine minute long "Overdose" which was disheartening, but you have to make some compromises when you hammer off a list of tracks like they (CoF) did.

Here's the complete set list of the night:

1) Shat Out Of Hell
2) Guilded Cunt
3) ...Dusk and Her Embrace
4) 13th Caesar
5) Nymphetamine
6) Principle Of Evil Made Flesh
7) Honey and Sulphur
8) Under Huntress Moon


9) Cthulhu Dawn
10) Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids
11) Her Ghost In The Fog
12) From The Cradle To Enslaved

After seeing them live, it comes as no surprise whatsoever that Dani Filth and consequently his band's sound is influenced by Iron Maiden. Dani's exuberant on stage animation, constantly jumping from raised platform to center stage and back again was very reminiscent of Maiden's front man, Bruce Dickinson. His vocal range as well make Cradle of Filth stand out among throngs of deep guttural vocalists within their own genre. Rumoured to be able to achieve eight octaves with his voice, Dani Filth can go from a brutal dirty vocal to a screeching banshee seamlessly within seconds.

Combine that with his back up vocalist/keyboardist Rosie Smith's harmonious siren song, and the gothic cathedral-like orchestration and you can't help but feel not just hear the reason why this band, however controversial is so successful.

Feel free to call them Black Metal if you want but as far as CoF is concerned, they don't fit that title that well aside from their penchants for "corpse paint". Dani even joked once on a British quiz show that his music is "heavy funk". He prefers the simple title either the bands name or Heavy Metal as he should because the whole label thing is getting a little out of control honestly

Whatever you may call them, Edmonton was proud to support them January 31st, and likely will again.

In the meantime, study up on Gilles de Rais (the French serial killer Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder is based on), Get a controversial Jesus is a C**t band tee and we'll see you at the next live show.

Oh! and one more thing, Keep those horns high!

1 comment:

  1. You were lucky to have seen the entire COF concert. In Houston, at the House of Blues, the concert stopped early. COF cited: a) strained voice and b)ruptured eardrum. Still, it was awesome up to their departure without encore.
