Monday, August 31, 2009


I know I haven't made a lot of posts as of late for the proudest horn wielding blog in Edmonton (arguably Canada). However, I am always on the lookout for smaller less publicized acts so if you know someone who knows someone who knows a guitar tech whos knows a roadie who knows a band. LET THE FORGE KNOW! Don't be shy just Email me at

Aside from that, today is in fact my birthday, not a huge deal because hey I am not that special but in tribute to those who share this day as their day of birth (CHRIS ADLER-LAMB OF GOD), I give you this classic from Dethklok.


  1. Ummm. Most email addresses need an @ in there somewhere.

    :D BBB

  2. Happy Dethday, dude! GO DDAAAAA-AAAAA-AAAHHHH-RRRRRRRGGGHHHH-IIIEEE! Have not a dildo year.
